
Japan Must Break the Curse of the Atomic Bombs and Create True Japan-America Friendship

Seiji Fuji

Releasing a U.S.-Japan joint statement together with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the United States during Golden Week

On February 14, the front page of the morning edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper contained an article entitled, “A Joint Statement by the U.S. and Japan 70 Years After the War, Timed to the Prime Minister’s Visit During Golden Week.” It read:
The American and Japanese governments are making arrangements to release a joint statement this spring that sets out the strengthening of the alliance based on the U.S.-Japan relationship over the 70 years since the end of World War II.
The American and Japanese governments will organize a new policy (guidelines) for defense cooperation between the U.S. and Japan before the prime minister’s visit, and incorporate it into the document as a concrete plan for strengthening the alliance.
It is expected that China, South Korea, and other parties will enhance their aggression towards Japan in regards to issues of historical awareness around the anniversary of the end of World War II in August of this year, which marks 70 years since the end of the war. The prime minister’s spring visit to the U.S. is aimed at forestalling these movements by China and South Korea, and indicating Japan’s postwar contributions to regional peace and stability via the U.S.-Japan alliance.
Page four of the same newspaper contained an article entitled, “Wanting a U.S.-Japan Relationship for a New Era,” which also mentioned this joint statement. It read:
The joint statement being put together by the American and Japanese governments for Abe’s visit to the U.S. sets forth the strengthening of relations between the U.S. and Japan in a wide range of fields including security guarantees and economics. The Japanese side will create a policy (guidelines) for new U.S.-Japan defense cooperation in the realm of security guarantees before the prime minister’s visit. By settling an agreement between Japan and the U.S. regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the economic realm, it is expected that this joint statement will symbolize the Japan-U.S. relationship in a new era.
Meanwhile, the American government is overly concerned with the content of the statement to be made by the prime minister this summer on the 70th anniversary of the end of the war. The American government, which stresses the importance of stability in the Asia-Pacific region, is concerned that this statement might cause new friction in Japan’s relationships with China and South Korea. According to a diplomatic source, the American side has requested that the “Abe Statement” preserve texts, such the Murayama Statement that apologized for colonial rule and aggression, as-is. This may also be discussed at the summit meeting.
I believe this U.S.-Japan joint statement and Abe Statement – at the turning point of 70 years after the war – should be used as ideal opportunities to turn Japan towards becoming a truly independent nation. Over the 70 years since the war ended the international situation has been greatly transformed, including the end of the Cold War, emergence of China, and religious conflict between monotheists and between sects in the Middle East. Accordingly, today various historical facts that were sealed away have come to the fore. For example, the public opening of the Venona Files, deciphered cryptograms sent by spies who were hiding in the U.S. to Comintern in the Soviet Union, began in 1995. These files clarified that the draft of the November 1941 Hull Note – which can rightly be described as a declaration of war with Japan – was written by Harry Dexter White, a senior U.S. Treasury department official. White was a Comintern spy who subsequently committed suicide. The Soviet Union continued engaging in fierce struggles with Nazi Germany on the western side. It used Comintern spies and planned to start the war between Japan and the U.S. so that it would not be attacked by Japan on the eastern side and trapped in a pincer movement.

The Soviet Union, England, and U.S. hoped for war between the U.S. and Japan

It is now clear that the U.S. wanted to fight with Japan and plotted towards that end. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as president based on his public promise to not become involved in the war in Europe. England was on the brink of being invaded by Nazi Germany, which had conquered Europe, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill repeatedly asked for the U.S. to participate in the war. To respond to Churchill’s desperate requests, Roosevelt used the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact, putting pressure on Japan and inspiring its anger. In this way, he attempted to use the war with Japan as a pretext to participate in the war in Europe.
But did Japan wish to fight? Directly before the war, Osami Nagano (chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff) expressed his distress by saying, “If we do not fight, the country will be ruined. If we do fight, we may be unable to avoid the country becoming ruined. Yet if we do not fight and the country is ruined, our ethnic group will be forever ruined body and soul. If we fight to seek for a way out of this desperate situation in order to defend our country – even if we are not victorious – as long as the Japanese spirit of protecting our nation remains, our descendants will certainly recover.” Japan did not want to fight with the U.S.; it had no choice but to decide to start the war due to pressures such as the ABCD encirclement.
The U.S. had deciphered all of Japan’s diplomatic codes and almost all of its navy codes, a historical fact that is widely known due to Robert Stinnett’s book Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor. The deciphering and copying of the declaration of war from Japan, on December 8, 1941, was delayed due to the ineptitude of Japanese embassy personnel. It was finally given to Secretary of State Cordell Hull after the start of the attack on Pearl Harbor, which is why people criticized Japan for making a “surprise attack” from that time. However, in actuality Roosevelt already knew that Japan was going to start a war with the U.S. thanks to cryptanalysis, and he grasped that the Japanese Army would carry out this surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. Yet he did not share the details with U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander-in-chief Husband E. Kimmel. The latest warships and aircraft carriers were withdrawn from Pearl Harbor for an exercise, and moreover many officers and men – more than the fixed number of regular personnel, despite the fact that it was a Sunday – were mobilized to the old-style USS Arizona, which was expected to be attacked. A total of 1,200 men, half the 2,400 Americans killed in action at Pearl Harbor, died in action on the USS Arizona.
Past 8:00 a.m. on December 7, 1941 (U.S. time), the Japanese Army’s Nakajima B5Ns dropped 800 kilograms of bombs on the side of the #4 turret at the rear of the USS Arizona. Next, at 8:06 they hit the starboard area between the #1 and #2 turrets with bombs. It is said that the fore powder magazine was blown up at 8:10, causing a huge explosion that sunk the ship. However, the bomb on the starboard side at 8:06 would not have caused the explosion at 8:10, four minutes later. One might think the bombing made it catch fire and explode, but the powder magazines are located near the bilge on general battleships and have twofold and threefold defenses to prevent secondary explosions. There are many cases in which powder magazines are undamaged when the bridge or gun turrets are blown away, so it catching fire and then exploding is unthinkable. At Pearl Harbor, there were no military vessels in which the powder magazines were blown up in secondary explosions.
I have wondered if the U.S. purposefully allowed the USS Arizona to be sunk in order to raise its national prestige towards participation in the war in Europe. Perhaps the U.S. was responsible for this, just like the slogan “Remember the Alamo” or “Remember the Maine,” in which the U.S. said Spain was behind an incident in which 260 people died when the USS Maine was blown up and sunk in 1898, causing the Spanish American War. Afterwards, the U.S. instigated the public opinion to participate in World War I based on the slogan “Remember the Lusitania,” regarding the incident in which the RMS Lusitania was attacked and sunk by a German submarine in 1914. Weapons and ammunition had been loaded on this extravagant British passenger boat to provoke Germany during the war between England and Germany.
The Japanese Army abided by international laws during the attack on Pearl Harbor; it only attacked military facilities to curb the number of civilian casualties and did not attack fuel tanks, repair docks, etc. For that reason, many of the sunken battleships were brought up and repaired and then reinstated on the war front. In addition to the fact that Japan’s codes had been deciphered, one can say this led to Japan’s crushing defeat in the Battle of Midway.
Admiral Kimmel was made to take responsibility for the attack and was dismissed as commander-in-chief. He was then demoted to rear admiral, immediately put into reserve duty, and died in disappointment. The bereaved family asked that his honor be restored, saying that the damage at Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have been so large had Roosevelt shared the information he possessed. Resolutions were passed in the Senate in 1999 and the House of Representatives in 2000 to exonerate Kimmel. However, they were not signed by then-President Bill Clinton or the following President George W. Bush – signing these resolutions would have meant recognizing that “Remember Pearl Harbor” was a deception. The truth will likely never be made clear if these aren’t passed in at least the next 30 years. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not realize that its codes had been deciphered and did not change them after the beginning of the war. Almost all of its navy codes had also been deciphered, a major error that led to the war defeat including the crushing defeat in the Battle of Midway afterwards as well as the shooting down of Marshal-admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s aircraft during an ambush attack.

The mass media never reports on newly discovered historical facts

In 1928 the Huanggutun Incident occurred on the outskirts of Mukden (today’s Shenyang). It was traditionally regarded as having been perpetrated by Kwantung Army Colonel Daisaku Komoto and others. However, according to a British Army Far East Intelligence Department report that was released by the British National Archives in 2007, this incident was actually the work of the Secret Service of the Soviet Union. England ordered a reinvestigation based on this report. The second investigation showed that the gunpowder used was made in the Soviet Union, and the conclusion was that the Soviet Secret Service was responsible. However, the Japanese mass media has not reported on this. I visited St. Petersburg in December 2009 to meet with Dmitri Prokhorov, a Russian author who wrote The GRU Empire in 2001. This book is based on unreleased documents from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), formerly part of the Soviet Army General Staff of the Soviet Union. In his book, Prokhorov asserts that the Soviet Secret Service perpetrated this crime. Afterwards, I invited him to Japan and held a press conference, which was ignored by all of the media outlets.
In 2013, Tony Marano (nicknamed “Texas Daddy”) sent away to the American National Archives for a copy of a 1944 report by the American Secret Service on the comfort women in Burma. He then made it available on the Internet. This report clearly specifies that the comfort women were wartime prostitutes. Perhaps the release of this document led to The Asahi Shimbun newspaper revising its reporting on the comfort women.
The mass media does not report on these new historical facts, which are steadily becoming clear, because it continues conforming (via voluntary restraints) to the 30-item Press Code imposed by the U.S. during the occupation period right after the war. These 30 items prohibit criticisms of Korean people, China, the atomic bombs, and the Allies. New facts are disregarded for this reason. This is also why Japan cannot refute the impossible Nanking Massacre story, which says that 300,000 people were supposedly slaughtered over six weeks in a city with a population of 200,000 people, and the impossible claim about the army comfort women, which says that 200,000 Korean women were forcibly transported and made to serve as sexual slaves. Japan has given its tactic consent to these things being spread throughout the world. A resolution asking the Japanese government to apologize to the comfort women was approved in the American House of Representatives in 2007, which has led to comfort woman statues being installed at locations across the U.S. The Japan Teachers’ Union was formed during the American occupation and induced to thoroughly carry out education based on the Tokyo Trials historical viewpoint. Many Japanese people believe the misinformation they have learned through mistaken education and media reports. The cause for all of this is the American occupation policies.

The U.S. dropped the atomic bombs to gain worldwide hegemony in the postwar period

The greatest crime against humanity perpetrated by the U.S. against Japan was the dropping of the atomic bombs
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The U.S. did to tens of thousands of Japanese people what the Islamic State did to pilots from Jordan. Roosevelt received information from Albert Einstein about Germany’s atomic bomb development. He determined that the U.S. would develop atomic bombs as well, and the Manhattan Project – a top-secret atomic bomb production plan – was started in 1942 using secret Congressional funds. Due to the Hyde Park Agreement between the U.S. and England in 1944, the decision was made to drop the bombs on Japan. The U.S. – figuring that the enemy of an enemy is a friend – provided weapon manufacturing expertise and even war plants to the Soviet Union so that it could attack and defeat Nazi Germany. As a result, the Soviet Union became a major military power, and it was clear that the Soviet Union – as a military monster – would begin fighting to communize the world after the end of the war. It was possible that a direct confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union would develop into World War III, all connected areas (including the European continent, Asia, the Near and Middle East, and Africa) would come under the rule of the Communist Party, and more than 100 million people would be killed or wounded in action.
The U.S. had to drop the atomic bombs on Japan and restrain the Soviet Union to transform World War III into the Cold War and gain global hegemony. The U.S. knew via the Vatican, Soviet Union, and Chinese National Revolutionary Army that Japan was groping for a way to end the war, but it bought time until the end of the war by making the treatment of the Emperor of Japan ambiguous and completing the bombs during that time. To display this technology to the Soviet Union, the U.S. did not immediately use the first bomb it made, which was probably a uranium bomb using nuclear fission, which had a simple structure and contained enough enriched uranium for a chain reaction. The plutonium bomb (which featured more difficult technologies and involved correctly imploding plutonium and causing nuclear fission) was successfully tested in New Mexico on July 16, 1945. In this way, it completed two different types of bombs and purposefully used them both: the uranium bomb in Hiroshima and the plutonium bomb in Nagasaki. The U.S. also made flawless preparations up until it dropped the atomic bombs. To emphasize that the atomic bomb was not the only disastrous weapon and reduce its inhumane characteristics, it wanted to show that 100,000 people could be killed even with regular firebombs. Therefore, it carried out the Great Tokyo Air Raid on March 10, 1945 (Japanese Army Day) and slaughtered 100,000 innocent people.
It indicated preliminary calculations that showed one million American officers and men would be killed or wounded in action during a landing on the Japanese mainland with the Japanese citizens, who were agitated by the media that said people had to fight to an honorable death if the Emperor of Japan were to be executed. In this way, the U.S. had to justify dropping the atomic bombs to the people of the U.S. as an indispensible step to avoid warfare on the mainland. Iwo Jima – where the U.S. lacked mastery of the air or seas – had little strategic value, but it was on the path to air raiding the Japanese mainland from Saipan. The U.S. explained that its actions could be reported in Japan, leading to an interception, and that capturing Iwo Jima was necessary to provide aid to the crew of airplanes that were shot at and had to make emergency landings on the way back. However, Iwo Jima is located 1,000 kilometers from Japan. The U.S. could have detoured several thousand kilometers around Iwo Jima so that its route was not revealed, and all it needed to provide aid to the crew of airplanes that were shot down was large quantities of cruising warships or submarines in the area. It did not need to occupy Iwo Jima, but it seems that it still made the Marine Corps land on the island where the Japanese Army had gone underground and was fighting with its back against the wall. It is thought that the U.S. purposefully had more than 28,000 of its people killed or wounded in battle, which was more than the Japanese casualties (20,000 people). It is known that President Harry S. Truman and Secretary of State James Francis Byrnes, who firmly insisted on dropping the atomic bombs, were extreme racists. All countries including the U.S. tell lies and carry out massive killings for the sake of their own national interests. The Second Chechen War began in 1999 when Vladimir Putin concluded that the series of explosions at high-rise apartment buildings in Russia that killed 300 people – which was actually carried out by Putin – had been a crime by the armed insurgents who wanted Chechen independence. Putin was then elected as president. The Pearl Harbor deception was also unavoidable to the U.S. because it wanted to protect its national interests and the liberal faction in Europe. It also thought that the dropping of the atomic bombs was necessary to prevent World War III (a battle to communize the world). The U.S. also had to create a story that it was a good, democratic nation in order to portray Japan as a bad country, even after the U.S. had dropped the atomic bombs. That’s why it implemented numerous political measures during the occupation to brainwash the Japanese people, including the Press Code and censorship.
The U.S. does not want Japan to become a truly independent nation, but it wants Japan to continue being a good ally. I am confident that now is the best opportunity for Japan to rid itself of the postwar regime because it is the era of Abe – who has a high approval rating and can fully declare his will to the U.S., China, and South Korea – and Barack Obama, who has become a weakened, lame duck.
Perhaps the U.S. came up with the U.S.-Japan joint statement on the 70th anniversary of the end of the war as a way to come to an agreement on the TPP. If that is the case, Japan should use this argument and everything that is opposing the construction of a genuine U.S.-Japan relationship should be eradicated, based on the condition of agreement on the TPP. Japan should break the curse of the atomic bombs and understand that these actions were necessary at that time. Abe and Obama should declare that these disastrous events will be overcome to construct true, friendly relations. Moreover, in August Abe should release a statement according to his will and based on historical truths without being bound by the traditional Murayama and Kono Statements. Even if this caused some temporary awkwardness, afterwards the U.S.-Japan relationship should certainly become closer. Looking at the Congress today, and based on the Republican Party’s majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives, one can assume that the next president after Obama will be a Republican. The genuine U.S.-Japan relationship can begin from that point.

Truth is derived from fragments of information that are not provided

Japan is located between the U.S., which is attempting to withdraw from Asia, and the expanding China. The U.S. wants Japan to be an ally with strong power.
Japan has merely obeyed requests from the U.S. in the past, but now is the chance for it to become a decent nation. We should revise the constitution, have an army that can function normally, and obtain nuclear arms (considering that nearby Russia, China, and North Korea all have nuclear arms) to maintain a balance of power. The U.S. will certainly not approve Japan having its own nuclear weapons, so Japan should ask the U.S. to become part of the nuclear sharing system between the U.S. and five NATO countries.
A “stealth complex” based on the Tokyo Trials historical viewpoint has been formed of elite figures with high deviation values, centered on graduates from the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Law (the people who benefited from Japan’s war defeat). This stealth complex cooperates with the U.S. and mainly controls the bureaucracy, legal circles, and media. Only these people benefit from this harmonious cooperation. We must change from this society to a truly cohesive one. We must free the media, which is afraid of threats from The Asahi Shimbun (the guard of the Press Code). All of these things will remove the taboos in the U.S.-Japan relationship and break the curse of the postwar regime.
The U.S.-Japan relationship originally worsened because Minister for Foreign Affairs Jutaro Komura rejected the plan for the U.S. and Japan to jointly manage the South Manchuria Railway, which was proposed by American railroad executive E. H. Harriman after the Russo-Japanese War. The reason was, despite the peace treaty concluded after Japan’s narrow victory, the media incited the people about the fact that no reparations were received, and they became increasingly dissatisfied. This led to events such as the Hibiya Incendiary Incident. The media has caused many harmful effects, both today and in the past. However, due to the information technology revolution the trend is shifting from the mass media to the Internet, and it is already difficult for the mass media to control the public opinion. Many people are now able to search on the Internet, think, and express their views online.
Humankind has long suffered due to religious conflict between monotheistic religions (which do not accept paganism) and antagonism between different sects. The Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century was called the first international war, and it led to the creation of international laws. It was actually a fight between the Catholics and Protestants.
Education that stresses test results is harmful because it makes people indiscriminately memorize the information that has been provided. The truth is actually perceived by looking at fragments of various information. I hope the Abe administration will release a decent U.S.-Japan statement and Abe Statement, and I will continue my activities to discover historical truths in the future. February 15 (Wednesday), 2015 11:00 p.m.
January 19, 2015 (Monday) 11:00 p.m.